Meredith Operations Corp. recently filed a lawsuit against Better Home & Finance claiming the company breached two advertising placement agreements. According to the suit, the defendant failed to pay a total of $1.86 million for two campaigns published in seven magazines.

Meredith Operations Corp. is asking for payment of the outstanding money plus the costs associated with filing the lawsuit. In addition, they are requesting triple the amount due for damages, interest, and attorney fees as allowed by law.

The court document presents details of the two campaigns Better Home & Finance published with Meredith Operations Corp. The defendant agreed to pay $1.5 million for the first campaign and $360,000 for the second. Both campaigns enabled Better Home & Finance to promote its mortgage products.

Main Points:
• Meredith Operations Corp. recently sued Better Home & Finance for breaching two ad placement agreements
• Claim for $1.86 million payment plus associated filing costs
• Demand triple the amount due for damages, interest, and attorney fees
• Defendants agreed to spend $1.5 mil + $360,000 for advertising with Meredith Corp.

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