Angelo Robert Mozilo, the founder of Countrywide Financial, passed away this weekend from natural causes. He was 84 years old.

Mozilo founded Countrywide Financial in 1969 and remained the CEO in the organization until 2011. Over the course of four decades, this organization became one of the largest mortgage lenders in the United States. Mozilo was instrumental in innovating and revolutionizing the mortgage services industry, leading to the establishment of a reliable and efficient government-sponsored lender, Freddie Mac.

During his time at the helm of Countrywide, he was highly accomplished and his innovations made the mortgage industry more accessible and fairer for all parties. Throughout his career this entrepreneur was responsible for shaping the mortgage industry, helping to make homeownership more accessible for millions of Americans.

Tangible Resuts of Mozilo’s Career:
* Founded Countrywide Financial in 1969
* Transformed the mortgage industry
* Established Freddie Mac
* Faciliated homeownership for millions of Americans
* Made the mortgage industry more accessible and fairer

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