-HousingWire Lead Analyst Logan Mohtashami talked to CNBC about the health of the housing market
-Talks about how the market is doing in comparison to pre-2008
-There is still room for the market to grow

HousingWire Lead Analyst Logan Mohtashami appeared on CNBC on Wednesday to give his thoughts on the current state of the housing market. He began by talking about how the market is doing in comparison to the pre-2008 market. While it has recovered significantly since then, there is still room for it to grow. He went on to say that the market is currently healthy and that there are many reasons to be optimistic about its future.

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/logan-mohtashami-on-cnbc-how-rates-are-impacting-supply/(subscription required)

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