1. The program will reportedly include $40 million for investments in affordable housing across three U.S. metro areas, the company said.
2. The investments will be used to create or preserve roughly 14,000 units of affordable housing, the company said.

The program will reportedly include $40 million for investments in affordable housing across three U.S. metro areas, the company said. The investments will be used to create or preserve roughly 14,000 units of affordable housing, the company said.

The program is part of the company’s larger $1 billion commitment to social justice and racial equality initiatives. Of the $1 billion, $40 million will be dedicated to investments in affordable housing across three U.S. metro areas. The investments will be used to create or preserve roughly 14,000 units of affordable housing, the company said.

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/amazon-announces-housing-affordability-pilot-program-with-national-housing-trust/(subscription required)

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